| Kevin Siskar

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Creating Data-Driven Founding Sales Leaders With Peter Kazanjy

Peter Kazanjy | Co-Founder of Atrium

Pete Kazanjy is Ambition Today’s new guest from Southern California. He is sitting in San Francisco, CA right now as we speak, enjoying Alamo Square. Peter Kazanjy is a serial founder and seasoned early stage Saas executive, advisor, and investor. Pete has cofounded many companies including TalentBin, Modern Sales, and Atrium. He is also an author of “Founding Sales”.

He went to Stanford where he learned English and Philosophy. Pete is still going strong and has a lot to offer his clients, be sure to read his book “Founding Sales”, a Startup Sales Handbook. In this episode of the podcast, we go deep into how best to optimize early sales for startups companies.

Topics Discussed:

  • Go-to-Market and Marketing Strategies

  • The difference between founding sales and normal sales.

  • Why sales are so critical to early growth.

  • The best tools for sales, revenue, and accounting

  • Maintaining work-life balance as an entrepreneur

Quote of the Episode:

“Three main rules: focus, focus, focus”.

The Greatest Piece of Advice:

Check out the podcast’s backchannel, The A-List where you can listen to exclusive audio clips containing the single greatest piece of advice each guest has ever learned!

Links & show notes from this episode:

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A-List: After every episode of the Ambition Today podcast we record an exclusive bonus clip, where we ask each guest to tell us the best advice they have ever received. Hear first-hand stories from over 30 entrepreneurs and investors in these exclusive bonus clips.

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