| Kevin Siskar

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50 Episodes Later, Ramphis Castro Returns To Talk About Investing In Hard-Tech & Life Science Startups

Ramphis Castro

Reminiscing on my first podcast is my guest, Ramphis Castro. We sat down for my very first podcast in August of 2015 and he has watched it grow over the years. It was great to have him here with me again. Ramphis is a serial entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist that has impacted several companies across 40 countries. His quote sums him up very well, “I am a Computer Engineer and Lawyer by training, serial entrepreneur by experience, and grass-root ecosystem builder by conviction.”

A Puerto Rican Native, Ramphis grew up by the beach with his dad, mom and three siblings. He is close to his family and had his mom instilling entrepreneurship in his mind from the beginning. The family always had little ways to make some extra spending money outside of their jobs, which taught Ramphis investing and ways to make money from a young age. He was fortunate enough to go to a school that taught English and went to an Engineering school for college. From there he was hired as a Microsoft, which was the hot company to work for at the time. He then started a consulting service company, had to learn from a few mistakes, and get back up. He has now owned several companies and has helped multiple companies by investing. Listen in to hear more about Ramphis and his path to success:

  • World happenings from Episode 1

  • Life in Puerto Rico

  • Early Entrepreneurial experiences

  • Working for Microsoft

  • Starting his own company

  • Learning from bad experiences in owning a company

  • Joining Kauffman Fellows

  • Seeing different Ecosystems around the world


  • Venture Capital

Ambition Today Question of the Day™ :
Where is the future of Venture Capital is going? 

The Single Greatest Piece of Advice:
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Quote Of The Episode: 
“You don’t know what you don’t know”

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You can find the full transcript of this episode here

Ambition Today Episode Sponsors:

Founder Institute
